Tag: Heating

local Heat Pump InstallationHeat Pump

Heating up the future: How heat pumps are revolutionising UK homes

The UK government has set an ambitious target to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To achieve this, the country must reduce emissions from buildings, which account for around 17% of total UK greenhouse gas emissions. One solution to this problem is to transition to low-carbon heating, with heat pumps emerging as a promising alternative to traditional gas boilers.
Gas MeterHeating

Gas Bill Got You HEATED? Try these 4 money saving tips!

As the chilly UK winters approach, heating our homes becomes essential for our comfort and well being. However, rising gas costs can significantly impact our monthly bills. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies to reduce gas consumption and lower your energy expenses. In this article, we will explore the top four ways to reduce your gas bill while keeping your UK home warm and cosy.